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Wong Tai Sin Temple
is a well known temple and tourist attraction in Hong Kong, it is located in the north of Kowloon. The temple, which was built in 1921, is dedicated to Wong Tai Sin. It is a traditional Chinese architecture with a gold roof, red pillars and colored carvings.
Every year from 1st to 15th January, the temple receives many visitors, such as those coming to pray for their luck and and those returning to thank Wong Tai Sin for making their wishes come true.
Wong Tai Sin Temple
is a well known temple and tourist attraction in Hong Kong, it is located in the north of Kowloon. The temple, which was built in 1921, is dedicated to Wong Tai Sin. It is a traditional Chinese architecture with a gold roof, red pillars and colored carvings.
Every year from 1st to 15th January, the temple receives many visitors, such as those coming to pray for their luck and and those returning to thank Wong Tai Sin for making their wishes come true.
太多了吧龙哥我就比较喜欢 A计划、警察故事系列、还有到好莱坞后拍的红番区、一个好人等等,从大的角度来讲,龙哥的片子都是很不错的李连杰: 黄飞鸿系列、成名片少林寺、中南海保镖、精武英雄周星星: 除了回魂夜比较垃圾以外,其他的都很不错,比较经典都有大话西游、国产007华仔: 猎鹰、天若有情三部曲、无间道三部曲、赌侠...
Wong Tai Sin Temple
is a well known temple and tourist attraction in Hong Kong, it is located in the north of Kowloon. The temple, which was built in 1921, is dedicated to Wong Tai Sin. It is a traditional Chinese architecture with a gold roof, red pillars and colored carvings.
Every year from 1st to 15th January, the temple receives many visitors, such as those coming to pray for their luck and and those returning to thank Wong Tai Sin for making their wishes come true.
曾为5元钱而穿旗袍上学在人前,刘德华永远是风光的,众人拥捧、时尚富有。但是刘德华说,自己其实就是个标准的乡下孩子。“5岁前我都是跟爷爷住在大埔镇泰亨村,那时家境不太富裕,小时候根本就吃不起鸡腿,每次爷爷在吃鸡脚的时候都骗我说是鸡腿,直到后来,我跟家人搬到城里来以后,我才分清什么是鸡脚,什么是鸡腿。”刘德华说自己小时候特别调皮,“有次读小学的时候跟几个朋友打赌,第二天大家一起穿妈妈的衣服来上学,其实我妈没什么衣服,全都是旗袍,但是当时赌的是5元钱,为了赢这5元钱,第二天我就穿着旗袍来上学,还在学校走一个圈,没想到所有人都没穿,就我一个人穿。虽然赢得了这5元钱,但是我却被同学笑了一个学期。”因为太笨而被取名“大耳牛”刘德华说,因为自己小时候很笨,朋友就给他起了个外号叫“大耳牛”,那时大家都很贪玩,喜欢乱打别人的电话,每次电话打通了就问:“大耳牛在不在呀?”别人说不在的话,马上就挂掉换另外一个人继续再打,再问:“大耳牛在不在?”连续这样打四五次后,真正的“大耳牛”刘德华就出场了,他会再打这个电话说:“我是大耳牛,有没有人打电话给我?”有次整完别人回家后,刘德华跟妈妈说了这件事,哪知道妈妈把他地骂了一顿,还要他打个电话过去道歉,“从那以后我就再也没有整蛊别人了。” 影响自己最大的人是周润发从一个默默无闻的小生到如今红遍海内外的刘天王,刘德华说影响自己最大的人就是周润发。“周润发很有型,《上海滩》的时候他一出场就有种气势,感觉是很霸气。我的表演很多方面受了他的影响。”回忆起第一次看到周润发的情景,刘德华感慨万千:“第一次看到周润发时,他带了一块金表,当时我们是跑龙套的,周润发已经是主角了,我看到他戴了一块很有名的金表就多看了两眼,哪知周润发说:‘不用看,如果努力了,每个人都会有。’所以从那以后我就觉得自己要努力当个好演员……”在娱乐圈苦干25年,如今忆苦思甜细说起当年的故事,刘德华感慨万千。
Wong Tai Sin Temple
is a well known temple and tourist attraction in Hong Kong, it is located in the north of Kowloon. The temple, which was built in 1921, is dedicated to Wong Tai Sin. It is a traditional Chinese architecture with a gold roof, red pillars and colored carvings.
Every year from 1st to 15th January, the temple receives many visitors, such as those coming to pray for their luck and and those returning to thank Wong Tai Sin for making their wishes come true.
Wong Tai Sin Temple
is a well known temple and tourist attraction in Hong Kong, it is located in the north of Kowloon. The temple, which was built in 1921, is dedicated to Wong Tai Sin. It is a traditional Chinese architecture with a gold roof, red pillars and colored carvings.
Every year from 1st to 15th January, the temple receives many visitors, such as those coming to pray for their luck and and those returning to thank Wong Tai Sin for making their wishes come true.
Wong Tai Sin Temple
is a well known temple and tourist attraction in Hong Kong, it is located in the north of Kowloon. The temple, which was built in 1921, is dedicated to Wong Tai Sin. It is a traditional Chinese architecture with a gold roof, red pillars and colored carvings.
Every year from 1st to 15th January, the temple receives many visitors, such as those coming to pray for their luck and and those returning to thank Wong Tai Sin for making their wishes come true.